Choosing Better Environmental Products

Choosing Better Environmental Products

Should You Stay In Your Home During Mold Remediation?

by Cassandra Welch

When you need mold remediation services, you'll want to know whether or not you are safe in your house during the process. A clear-cut answer doesn't apply to all mold situations. Nonetheless, the questions below help you gauge whether the ideal action is to leave or stay.

Is The Mold Remediation Process Extensive?

The extent of the mold remediation process makes or breaks your choice to stay at home. Small projects can be completed quickly and involve minimal interruption that may not necessitate leaving. On the flip side, a large project, e.g., a fully intrusive structural mold remediation project, affects different areas and could go on for weeks. The long service makes the situation difficult or impossible for you to stay.

Your mold remediation contractor may also need to cut into walls to identify the extent of mold infestation on your premises. Besides, some insurance companies will reimburse you if you must move to a different place while mold remediation is underway. So check whether you are entitled to some amount.

Will The Noise and Temperatures Become a Bother?

Negative air machines, dehumidifiers, and other mold remediation equipment must always run during the process. As a result, you will hear considerable noise during the process. Sometimes you can turn off the machines at night if your project is small. Nonetheless, you'll first need to ask your mold remediation technician if you can do so.

Mold remediation equipment affects the temperature inside and outside the containment chambers. Sometimes the temperatures reach uncomfortable levels, especially if your HVAC is off. Besides, your specialist may need additional dehumidifiers.

Are There Health Concerns During Mold Remediation?

If you stay, you may be safe from mold, but the ideal solution is to leave and let the experts work. Some health concerns that arise during mold remediation include:

  • Exposure to chemicals. Professionals deploy different chemicals and use protective materials during the process. You and your family may feel uncomfortable sticking around even if you also have protective gear.

  • Exposure to dust and debris. Mold remediation involves reconstruction, which generates lots of dust. The dirt is a respiratory irritant and may exacerbate allergies in people with hypersensitivity.

  • Mold allergy complications. Even slight exposure could cause health problems if you are allergic to mold. So the best solution is to leave your home until the experts complete the mold remediation process.


Extensive mold remediation involves many activities that interrupt your daily activities. So the ultimate solution of whether you are safe at home depends on the project's extent. If many living areas and your HVAC systems are affected, you are highly recommended to find another place to stay. But if only one or a few rooms need mold remediation, you can stay with minimal interruption.

To learn more about mold remediation, reach out to a local service.


About Me

Choosing Better Environmental Products

After struggling for weeks with my indoor air quality, I realized that part of the problem was the type of cleaners I was using at home. I was frustrated with the scents of my house, so I was using harsh chemicals that weren't good for the environment--or for my family members. Fortunately, a friend of mine pointed out the mistake, and within a few weeks I had changed my ways. I wanted to begin looking for better environmental products to start making your home a little cleaner, so I began looking for a great business that could help. Check out these posts for information about eco-friendly cleaners.

